4 Ways to Make the Most of Business Down Time

Every business experiences slow periods when the market for their goods or services lessens and sales drop. Business owners might be tempted to view down times as unproductive or wasted, but there are ways you can make the most of your business during these seasons. Here are four ways to ensure this time isn’t wasted. Take a good look at your business When things are busy it gets easy to…  Read more

Happy Canada Day!

Our team is wishing you and your family a Happy Canada Day! Enjoy a barbecue or see a parade! Canada Day is a holiday for everyone — have a happy one!  Read more

Ways to Make a Difference While Making Money

Gone are the days when an entrepreneur was expected to be entirely focused on making a profit. Obviously, earning money is important to being sustainable and therefore staying in business, but it’s possible to both earn a profit and make a positive difference in the world around you, too. There are great reasons for doing so. Making a positive difference contributes to the greater good. It can also boost employee…  Read more

3 Ways to Motivate Workers

The question of motivating employees is often on a business owner’s mind. It can be difficult to find ways to genuinely motivate employees at work, and often the old standards—performance-based bonuses, increased rewards and commissions—only work in the short-term, if they work at all. In fact, some tests have shown that the usual motivational tactics aren’t always effective. So how can you authentically motivate workers? 1. Share positive feedback Too…  Read more

Thank you!

Thank you to our thoughtful client for the Silvercreek gift card. We appreciate and value each and every one of our clients!  Read more

6 Vital Money Management Tips for First-Time Entrepreneurs

Financial management is a vital part of running a successful business, but often entrepreneurs start their business with little understanding of how to make solid financial decisions. Managing your finances is about more than bookkeeping and paying taxes—although those are also important to a sustainable business. It’s about managing cash flow, preparing for income fluctuations, and having the resources to take advantage of opportunities. Here are 6 money management tips…  Read more

5 Steps to Early Retirement

For some people, early retirement is a choice. For others, it’s a necessity. Regardless of which group you fall into, there are some steps you can take to help make early retirement a reality and live the life you dream about. 1. Know your goals Before you know exactly how much money you need to save, you need to know your goals for retirement. Do you want to live in…  Read more

Why Smart Business Owners Never Stop Marketing

One classic mistake business owners make when money gets tight is to stop marketing or cut their marketing budget. At first glance, it seems logical to cut down your expenses during tough economic conditions. However, in reality, it’s the opposite of what you should do. When your business is struggling, cutting your marketing budget will further hurt your business. It is during this time that you should go the extra…  Read more

How to Scale Your Business with Minimal Effort

If you want your business to grow, at some point you’ll have to think about scaling it. Scaling it isn’t exactly the same as growing it, though they are often used interchangeably. Growth refers to adding resources and increasing your revenue in a linear fashion. You double your number of offices to double your number of customers, for example. Scaling means increasing your revenue without a substantial increase in the…  Read more

3 Consequences of Avoiding Your Bookkeeping

If you ask 100 business owners what they like least about running a business, chances are good that bookkeeping will rank high on the list. It’s an annoying and frustrating chore that takes up a lot of time and is easy to put off until tomorrow. Avoiding your bookkeeping is dangerous, however. Not knowing your company’s financial situation can result in a series of missteps that could ultimately cost you…  Read more

Questions to Prepare for When Pitching to Investors

If you’re looking for people to invest in your business, be prepared to answer some important questions. Investors look for smart investment opportunities—that means they want to find out as much as they can about you and your business before they make a decision about whether or not to invest with you. It’s vital to have well thought-out answers to investors’ questions. Give them evidence you’ve thoroughly examined your business…  Read more

3 Tips to Make the Most of the End of Financial Year

Preparing your End of Financial Year (EOFY) information often feels stressful—there are receipts to sort out and reports to review, and you need to make sure you have all the necessary information about your income and expenses. It can be overwhelming, and it can make the EOFY feel daunting. The end of the financial year isn’t just a time to collect receipts and find invoices, however. It’s also a time…  Read more

Happy Easter from AoM!

Our office wishes you sunshine, good times and a very happy Easter this year! We hope you have a chance to head outside and enjoy the springtime weather!  Read more

How to Build an Effective Financial Plan for Your Business

Every business needs a financial plan. Your financial plan gives you a way to monitor and review your cash flow, make adjustments to your spending, and anticipate any upcoming financial issues. It can also make you more prepared to request funding or find investors so you can bring more money into your business. Although many business owners are aware that financial planning is important, it is often overlooked. Without a…  Read more

Our Thoughts and Prayers are with Ukraine

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine during these difficult and trying times. We hope that you will also join us in keeping them and their families in your thoughts.    Read more

Thank you!

It truly does mean the world to us when we receive such a thoughtful gift from one of our clients. We appreciate each and every one of you!  Read more

4 Tips to Improve Your Business Negotiation Skills

Owning your business requires many skills, and among the most important might be the ability to manage negotiations. As a business owner, you could find yourself negotiating in many circumstances, such as: Salary and job expectations with a potential employee Financing terms with a lender Payment terms with a supplier Lease or property agreements Equipment agreements. Your ability to negotiate will have an impact on your financial situation, which is…  Read more

Tips to Navigating the Post-pandemic Business Landscape

Covid has resulted in many business transformations. While some small businesses found themselves shifting their offerings, others moved online or found new niches. If you’re wondering how to continue moving your business forward following Covid, you’re probably not alone. Here are some important tips for navigating the business landscape following Covid. 1. Explore your remote options Having a business model that enables you and your staff to work remotely gives…  Read more

5 Steps to Setting Up Your Business Processes for Success

When a business first starts out, it’s natural for the owner to be a jack-of-all-trades. You may not have the capital to hire specialists or access to the technology that can help you. As your business grows–or as you look to take a smaller role in your company–you may find the business has become over-reliant on you, which makes it difficult for you to take a step back. Here are…  Read more

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